The specific focus of the Program will be to review, as needed, the basics of beekeeping stewardship as well as the following topics :
* learning what is “normal” bee activity in each of our four seasons.
* when and how to open hives, if indicated. * how to “read” a drawn foundation to determine if further hive manipulation is needed.
* when, why and how to extract honey.
* issues within the hive after extraction.
The following general guidelines apply to both mentors and mentees :
* hands-on information sharing through periodic hive visits, as opportunities permit.
* providing an open, supportive, and non-judgmental learning environment.
* encouraging constructive, positive feedback regarding all aspects of beekeeping.
* developing skills that lead to beekeeping self-confidence and independence as well as encouraging integration into the Guild’s Bee Buddies program.
The ultimate goal of the mentorship program is to develop the skills necessary to be an effective and responsible steward of honey bee colonies and thus to better appreciate the many joys of beekeeping.
No experience required. Just a desire to learn and lend a hand. Our hope is to link up brand new beekeepers with others that have a little experience. And those with a little experience, with those that have a bit more. Sometimes all we need is a second set of eyes and encouragement to grow our skills. Let’s get together and talk about it!